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Which 1Life life cover product is right for you?

Need funeral and life cover? 1Life Pure Life Plus could be the product you need!

13 July 2021
3 minute read

Everyone is different and has different insurance needs. That’s why 1Life has three different life cover products, all with different features and benefits to meet your unique needs. We took a look at these products and identified the key differences and benefits to help you decide which 1Life life cover product is best for you.

1Life has three different types of life cover: 1Life Pure Life, 1Life Pure Life Plus and 1Life Pulse Life Cover. How do you decide which type of life cover is right for you?

1. 1Life Pure Life

You want the basics.

Who is covered for what
Life cover for the life assured of up to R10 million.

Key features and benefits

  • No waiting periods: You are covered from the day your policy commences and your premium is received for accidental and natural death as well as death due to COVID-19 complications.
  • No medicals: 1Life requires a simple HIV blood test or – even better – a cheek swab for those afraid of needles.
  • Pay now death benefit: On the life assured’s death, up to R50 000 of the sum assured will be paid on valid claims to the beneficiaries to cover funeral costs of the life assured within 48 hours1.
  • Guaranteed Assurability: Increase your sum assured with no medical underwriting other than an HIV test on every third policy anniversary or when a major life event happens such as getting married, having children, buying a home or starting a business2.

2. 1Life Pure Life Plus

You want the convenience and savings of funeral and life cover on one policy.

Who is covered for what?

  • The life assured: Life cover up to R10 million.
  • Family members (up to 16): Between R5 000 and R50 000 funeral cover.

Key features and benefits

  • Save money: Combining life cover for yourself and funeral cover for your family can save up to 28% on premiums.
  • Less admin: One policy means one policy document and one premium to pay.
  • Pay now death benefit: On the life assured’s death, up to R50 000 of the sum assured will be paid on valid claims to the beneficiaries to cover funeral costs within 48 hours1.
  • Funeral cover benefits: Grocery benefit for the life assured, repatriation service for all members (life assured and family members) and memorial headstone benefit of up to R5 000 for family members over the age of 14.

3. 1Life Pulse Life Cover

You want life cover and the opportunity to increase your sum assured by making healthy lifestyle choices.

Who is covered for what?
Life assured: Life cover starting at R1 million, up to R10 million, and the potential to earn up to an additional R500 000 life cover over two years.

Key features and benefits

  • Instant bonus cover: The life assured automatically receives between R50 000 and R125 000 bonus when they sign up.
  • Earn more life cover: Act on the recommendations given by the VeoSens app on your Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 and earn up to R16 320 additional cover a month. Small changes like increasing physical activity, following a healthy diet, losing excess body fat, reducing stress and getting seven to nine hours’ sleep a night will increase your sum assured monthly3.
  • Pay Now funeral benefit: On the life assured’s death, up to R50 000 of the sum assured will be paid on valid claims to the beneficiaries to cover funeral costs of the life assured within 48 hours1.

Top tip: Your financial adviser can help you decide which product is best suited to you.

Keep your cover!

Life insurance helps you and your family financially when you most need it – either to replace the income of a breadwinner who passes away, or to pay off a debt such as a home loan that the life assured was responsible for. Your family can also use your payout to start building generational wealth by saving and investing for their future – and their children’s.

1Life has different kinds of cover to make sure we can meet all your needs. Whichever cover you choose, remember to pay the premiums on time. And take advantage of the benefits your policy has!

Ts and Cs apply.

  1. The Pay now death benefit has a waiting period:
    Accidental cause of death: six months
    Natural causes of death: 12 months
  2. Limits may apply. Limits are applicable on how much cover can be increased by.
  3. For the engagement score the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 must be worn for a minimum of seven days in order to generate a qualifying score. If the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 is worn for 20 days per month, the full bonus for this component is given. Only 50% is given if it is worn for 15 days, and a lower engagement score is given if the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active2 is worn for less than 15 days.

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