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Your family’s funeral insurance needs covered on one policy

23 November 2020
2 minute read

Family in garden

Life is so much easier when you have less paperwork and policies. That’s why you can insure your family on your funeral insurance, giving you one family funeral cover policy. You can add your parents, children and extended family members so they have cover.

Family funeral insurance is flexible, so as your family changes, so can you add new members onto your policy. It’s easy to check that everyone important to you has cover, because everything is in one place.

Another benefit of family funeral insurance is that it is easy to claim on your policy, because all your family members are covered by the same insurer with all their details listed on one policy document.

You can add up to 16 family members on a 1Life Funeral Cover policy. Family funeral insurance policies don’t end when one claim is paid out for additional members, the other members still have funeral cover on your policy.

What is family funeral cover?

Family funeral policies are where you and your family are covered on one policy. There is one main member, who pays the premiums. Family members are listed as additional members on the policy.

Can South Africans buy funeral insurance for families?

All South Africans can buy funeral insurance covering both your immediate family or extended family. Most policies allow you to add spouses, children, parents, and extended family members such as aunts, uncles and cousins to your policy.

Can I buy funeral cover for my parents?

Yes but check with your insurer if there are age limits after which no cover is offered. You can buy your parents separate funeral policies or you can add them to your family funeral insurance policy. Remember that covering your parents on your family funeral policy would work out more cost effective than getting them a separate funeral policy.

Who in my family is covered with my funeral cover?

You are covered, as the main or principal member, and anyone listed as an additional member, for a sum assured. If a family member is not listed as an additional member they are not covered.

Are my children covered on my family funeral insurance?

You can add your children to your funeral policy as additional members if they are younger than 21 years, or younger than 25 and full-time students. Otherwise older children need their own funeral insurance policy.

Do I need to fill in a form to add a family member?

Yes, although your insurer will usually let you give the details over the phone or you can do it yourself in a policyholder servicing portal. You can call your insurer and they can guide you through the process. Your financial advisor can also assist.

What information do I need?

You will need ID numbers and contact details of your family members and the exact relationship to you such as parent, child, aunt, cousin. Remember to give full names as they appear on ID documents.

How much does family funeral cover cost?

Premiums are worked out individually. When insurers have the details such as age, they will let you know how much the premium is going to be. Funeral cover can start from just over R30 a month.

How much funeral cover can my family get?

Each member can have a different level of cover. Insurers will have different maximum amounts of cover allowed for members and children. You cannot insure your dependents for more than the main member on the policy.

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