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Get the financial protection against serious illnesses

17 October 2012
1 minute read

Financial protection against serious illness

Every October South Africans paint the country pink as they honour Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA), breast cancer is the most common cancer among South African women. As a South African woman, do you have the financial protection you need against serious illnesses like breast cancer? Find out more about dread disease cover from 1Lifedirect.

According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation you can reduce your risk of getting breast cancer by taking responsibility for your health and sticking to the following guidelines: 

  • Exercise regularly
  • Stick to a diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Do not smoke and limit your alcohol consumption
  • Ensure that you have regular screenings: speak to your doctor or gynaecologist about when and how you should be checking for signs of breast cancer

Despite our best efforts to stay healthy we are all vulnerable to serious illnesses like cancer. Consider, for example, that the National Breast Cancer Foundation states that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. In the face of statistics like these, taking responsibility for your health must include ensuring that you have the financial protection you need against serious illnesses. You will find this protection in dread disease cover.

Dread disease cover from 1Lifedirect will pay out a percentage of your cover amount if you ever fall victim to a dread disease as defined in your policy document. Such diseases include cancer, heart attacks, strokes and major organ transplants or chronic organ failure. Your pay-out can be used to make up for the loss of your income while you are ill or recuperating, and unable to work or to cover any medical expenses not funded by your medical aid.

Take responsibility for your health today and get the financial protection you need against serious illnesses. Find out more about dread disease cover from 1Lifedirect.

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