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Funeral cover for pensioners

28 November 2022
5 minute read
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In a world where inflation continues to climb, affordable funeral cover for pensioners is increasingly important. Keep on reading to find out more about the importance of funeral insurance for pensioners and how to go about buying the cover needed.

The importance of funeral cover for pensioners

Funeral cover pays for the expenses associated with a funeral. Depending on how much funeral cover you buy for family members or for yourself, a policy pay-out could then cover crematorium or burial service fees, tombstones and repatriation services as well as expenses like catering and venue hire. So make sure that you align your funeral cover to what you want covered at your or your family members funeral.

Should you pass away suddenly or develop a serious illness, for example, life insurance will pay your outstanding debts, living expenses for your family, and other obligations. However, life insurance can take months to pay out, whereas funeral cover usually pays out within 48 hours of an approved and valid claim.

Beware of the funeral cover for pensioners age limit

Wait, what is the age limit on funeral plans for pensioners? Depending on your provider, you will not be able to get cover for yourself or family members over the age of 74, for example, while the main member most likely cannot buy funeral policies if they are over the age of 64.

Get 40% discount on your monthly funeral cover premiums if you buy online.

The benefits of having funeral cover for seniors over 65

All of us want to be able to give a loved one a respectable send off, but without funeral cover you may be left scrambling to pay for the funerals of elderly family members. Here are some good reasons why you should look into getting funeral cover, whether it’s for yourself or for an elderly parent or member of your extended family:

  • Finding the right funeral policy means you’re insured from the first day you purchase the cover for accidental death. There are, however, usually waiting periods on claims for natural death, for example from illnesses like cancer or organ failure. Ask your provider about waiting periods when you take out a policy.
  • A group of family members can be covered under a single premium, including yourself, your spouse, your (biological, adopted, or step-) children, parents and in-laws.
  • Unlike when buying life insurance, no medical examinations or HIV tests are necessary to buy funeral insurance for pensioners or any other family members.
  • Funeral cover pay-outs are usually completed within 24-48 hours after submitting an approved and valid claim.
  • Remember, affordable funeral cover for pensioners reduces the burden of paying for the funerals of loved ones or taking out loans to cover funeral expenses!

What to look for in a funeral policy for pensioners

If you’re a senior who has never purchased a funeral policy and you don’t have any savings, your family will have to pay for your burial or cremation. So, what do we look for in funeral cover for pensioners? There are many different funeral cover products available, all with different benefits, waiting periods and other terms and conditions, but here are some things to consider:


Your premiums are suited to your specific needs and budget. Talk to your provider about what you are able to afford monthly while ensuring that you have as much cover for funeral expenses as possible.

Waiting periods:

Some plans will come with waiting periods on natural death but will cover accidental death immediately. Read your policy document to find out what waiting periods apply for both yourself and the family members covered on the policy.


Funeral policies often include benefits that will differ from company to company. These benefits could include repatriation of mortal remains (either within South Africa or abroad, or in some cases, both), grocery benefits, transportation of guests and memorial benefits to name a few.

How to buy funeral cover for pensioners

Some insurers allow you to get a quote online for funeral insurance, which includes cover for pensioners, or you may request a call back from an agent. Alternatively, you could set up a meeting with a broker.

1Life Funeral Cover

You can get up to R50 000 cover for up to 16 family members from 1Life Funeral Cover. Your plan includes memorial, grocery and repatriation benefits worth R16 000. Buy online today in minutes with no paperwork required and save 40% on your monthly premiums.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of 1Life Insurance or its employees.

We answer your questions about funeral cover for seniors

What is funeral cover for pensioners, and why is it important?

1Life Insurance does not offer funeral cover specifically for pensioners, however, the main member of a policy (who must be below the age of 64 at entry) can cover family members up to the age of 75 years. As our parents and grandparents grow older, it becomes essential to guarantee that they are given a dignified send-off. Funeral insurance ensures that they can have a respectful and appropriate funeral service, paying tribute to their life and contributions.

How does funeral cover differ from life insurance for pensioners?

1Life Insurance does not offer funeral or life cover specifically for pensioners. However, the dfference between funeral and life cover is that funeral cover is specifically designed to provide immediate financial assistance for funeral and burial expenses. While life insurance offers long-term financial support to the policyholder’s dependents or beneficiaries. In the event of the policyholder’s death, life insurance pays out a lump sum or regular payments to help replace lost income, cover debts, and support the family’s financial stability over an extended period. Both options play crucial roles in providing financial security during challenging times.

What expenses does funeral cover for pensioners typically cover?

With 1Life Insurance, the members on the main policyholder's funeral policy up to the age of 75, can receive a maximum payout of up to R50 000 depending on the chosen coverage amount. This includes a memorial headstone benefit and repatriation benefit.

Are there waiting periods associated with funeral cover for pensioners?

Yes. 6 (six) months and 6 (six) premiums for Natural Death for all members (including those up to the age of 75) on the main policyholder's policy. However, Accidental Death is covered immediately after the first premium has been received.

Can a group of family members be covered under a single funeral cover policy?

Yes. 1Life Funeral Cover policies cover the main member and up to 16 additional members including immediate and extended family.

What is the maximum age for funeral cover?

You can take out funeral cover anytime between the age of 18 and 64.

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