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Can you buy funeral cover online?

29 November 2022
6 minute read

Before a substantial portion of the country's 19 million residents who have funeral insurance put food on their tables each month, they put away savings towards their own funerals and that of their families. Death is unavoidable, but so is the expense of a funeral. In this post we will show you the typical funeral costs to expect and how to get funeral cover online.

The unpleasant reality of funeral expenses

Funeral costs have climbed significantly over the past few years. Here's a breakdown of how much it costs on average to hold a proper funeral and all related services.

Get 40% discount on your monthly funeral cover premiums if you buy online.

Repatriation of human remains: The cost of transporting remains will vary based on the distance and services chosen.

Funeral home costs: The costs include the preservation of the body, preparations for the funeral, and hearse transportation.

Coffins: Coffins are priced differently depending on the materials used to make them, their style, size, and other factors and may cost anywhere from R700 to R25 000.

Burial plots: Grave sites are subject to municipal pricing, which can range from R300 in rural regions to R2 500-R4 000 in major cities.

Cremation: Cremation is far less expensive than burial. Cremation will cost a maximum of R2 500. Depending on where you or your loved one want their ashes strewn, there may be an additional cost.

Remember, these costs do not include catering, flowers, or tombstones.

Catering and livestock costs vary depending on the size and sort of funeral your loved one prefers. However, a single cow can cost the ordinary South African family thousands of rands.

Hiring a funeral venue is another expense that is based on how many guests and where you need to host the event. It might be at home, in a hall, or in a marquise.

It's normal to feel burdened and overwhelmed by the death of a loved one and having to deal with the anxiety and financial stress of funeral costs, on top of the grief. Many South Africans opt to pay monthly for their funeral cover due to the high cost of funerals.

Get funeral cover online

Many individuals are unaware of the fact that they can purchase online funeral cover from the convenience of their home, office, or wherever they have an internet connection. While some people prefer sitting down with a broker, others prefer the convenience of managing their lives from their devices. Buying funeral cover online means that you can easily compare multiple online funeral cover quotes, read reviews, research benefits, and sometimes even obtain discounts on your premiums.

How to get an online funeral cover quote

If you know how much money you'll need for a funeral, you can get an instant online funeral cover quote on some insurers’ websites. It’s as simple as Googling insurance companies who offer funeral cover quotes online. Research products on their websites and submit your details for a quote. If a company doesn’t offer online funeral cover quotes, you can always call them to speak to a consultant.

But if you're unsure about exactly what you need, why not complete a financial needs analysis (FNA). Speaking with a qualified financial advisor might help you find an affordable funeral policy or even life insurance policy.

A financial needs analysis (FNA) looks at your current financial circumstances, your financial needs and goals, and the steps you must take to get there. An FNA outlines what you need to do to ensure that you will be financially comfortable in retirement and that you and your family can pay the funeral expenses in the event of a death in the family.

How to apply for funeral cover online

Once you’ve secured a few funeral cover quotes online, compare the premiums, benefits, number of family members covered and how much cover you can get for each member. Choose the company that suits your needs best, and find out if you can buy funeral cover online from them. It is often quicker and easier and faster than using a call centre. And sometimes you save.

When you purchase 1Life Funeral Cover securely online, you will receive a 40% discount on your monthly premium. Purchase today and receive funeral cover for you and up to 16 family members on a single policy. You and your loved ones can get up to R50 000 in cover each—providing you the assurance that you and your funeral expenses are covered in as little as 10 minutes. 1Life funeral protection offers R16 000 in benefits, and qualifying claims can be approved in under 5 minutes. To receive a free online funeral cover quote, just fill out our short form.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of 1Life Insurance or its employees.

We answer your questions about our products and services! 

Is it possible to compare multiple online funeral cover quotes before making a decision?

Yes. You can simply visit our "Get Quick Quote" page, and play around with the sliding scale to view your premium amount based on your profile and the desired cover amount. Once happy with the quote, one of our friendly consultants will call you back.

Do online funeral cover quotes typically include catering, flowers, or tombstones?

No. You would need to have a clear understanding of your unique cover needs before requesting a quote. Choose a cover amount that reflects the true cost of a funeral, considering factors such as inflation, changing family needs, as well as funeral expenses such as catering, flowers, or tombstones. 1Life Insurance, however, does offer a memorial headstone benefit to the value of R5 000 which is payable within 12 (twelve) months from the date of payment of the lump sum benefit in the event of an approved claim of an insured life over the age of 14 (fourteen).

Remember: Don't settle for a policy with insufficient cover to save on premiums, as this choice could leave your family financially vulnerable.

Are there specific considerations when buying funeral cover online for cremation instead of burial?

It is important to determine the appropriate coverage amount for your funeral expenses. Consider costs related to cremation services such as urns, cremation fees, transportation of the deceased, and other associated costs. If you plan to hold a memorial service after cremation, ensure that your selected funeral cover amount will be enough to provision for this.

How can I determine the appropriate amount of cover needed for my funeral when applying online?

When determining the appropriate amount of funeral cover needed for your online application, consider several factors. First, estimate the total cost of your funeral, including expenses related to the funeral service, burial or cremation, casket or urn, transportation, and any additional services or ceremonies. Next, take into account your location, as funeral costs can vary based on where you live. Also consider your desired standard for your funeral. Additionally, consider covering family members who may rely on you financially. Keep in mind that funeral costs tend to rise over time due to inflation, so choose a coverage amount that comfortably covers these expenses. It’s better to have slightly more coverage than less to ensure your loved ones won’t face financial strain during a difficult time.

Is it faster to apply for funeral cover online compared to using a call center?

Yes. You can get funeral insurance online in just 10 minutes at a place and time that is convenient for you. This comes with the added bonus of getting a 40% discount on your monthly premiums when you buy online.

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