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6 ways we make our clients lives easier

8 March 2016
1 minute read

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At 1Life, our clients are our priority and in today’s busy times we are continuously looking for ways to make the lives of our clients less complicated when it comes to their financial cover. Be it through the way we provide cover or the way we engage with our clients, our aim is to add value to their lives and keep things simple.

Here are six ways we make our clients lives easier:

No medicalsWhile with other insurers you may be required to undergo full invasive medical tests, with 1Life all you may need to do is go for a simple HIV saliva swab test and you are covered.

Updates or changes to your policy are easyWhether you decide to make small changes to your policy like updating your personal details, getting additional cover or products or changing your beneficiary details, all it takes is one simple call! No need for unnecessary meetings or paperwork.

Tailored cover to suit your pocketAt times when our monthly budgets are tight, 1Life is able to provide cover that is tailored to what you can afford on a monthly basis to ensure you and your family are always looked after.

We help you understand your needs with free advice1Life is the only insurer to offer you access to an online financial needs analysis, that will take your current needs and circumstances into account and will be able to help you understand what you should be covered for. What’s more is that our consultants are able to do this over the phone.

We keep you updated on 1Life and provide helpful advice and informationThe 1Life policyholder newsletter is jam-packed with tips and advice on personal finance, parenting and health as well as important policyholder updates. 

We care about your financesAll 1Life clients have access to Truth About Money – a 1Life initiative that offers a financial education course, debt management and counselling services as well as wills and estate planning. Through Truth About Money we strive to help our clients understand and manage their money better, plan for a better future and get out of debt. We believe that financial understanding has the ability to change lives!

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