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Stay safe on the roads this year

13 December 2012
1 minute read

Keep safe this festive season

As your family pack the car and head for your favourite holiday destination this year, your number one priority should be keeping your family safe on the road. Find out how with our defensive driving tips, but remember that your responsibilities do not end there. For every breadwinner life cover is also a priority.

Wikipedia defines defensive driving as "driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others." As you and your family hit the roads this December remember this advice:

  • Avoid erratic and aggressive drivers and let them overtake you as soon as possible
  • Don't get angry with other drivers, it will only take your mind off the road and the safety of your family
  • Do not assume that other drivers will drive safely and responsibly and obey the rules of the road
  • Do not just focus on the road and the car in front of you, watch the road and other drivers in front of you, behind you and alongside you
  • No distractions! This includes eating while driving, texting, talking on your cell phone or applying makeup. Your passengers should not distract you either. Keep kids entertained with games, books and music
  • Stick to speed limits and reduce your speed in bad weather
  • Always ensure a two second following distance
  • Buckle up and make sure everyone in the car is wearing a seatbelt
  • It goes without saying that you should not drive if you are tired or under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, the worst does happen. Every responsible parent and breadwinner needs to plan for the day that they are not there to provide for their family. This plan should include a life insurance policy. Life insurance will pay a lump sum to your family in the event of your death, funds that they can use to survive without the income that you brought home every month.

Keeping your family safe is about more than just defensive driving. It is about ensuring that they have the financial protection they need to survive your untimely death. Find out more about Pure Life Cover from 1Life or get a life insurance quote now!

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