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Get motivated at work with this advice

27 January 2014
2 minute read

2014 your year to shine

Stay motivated at work this yearConsider that the average person spends 90 000 hours at work in their lifetime. That is a lot of time to spend slumped behind your computer wishing you were somewhere else. How can you ensure that your work inspires and motivates you and that it adds meaning to your life? Because January is a month of planning, dreaming and setting goals we thought we would share these tips for spicing up your work life.

Set goalsEverybody needs a plan. Define your career goals and work out how you are going to achieve them. Knowing that you are working towards clearly defined goals is important if you want to stay motivated and enthusiastic about your work.

Choose your friends carefullyHanging around with the moaners and no-hopers is not going to get you very far. Spend time with people who challenge and inspire and not those colleagues that sap your strength and frustrate you. You will find that the enthusiasm and excitement of the people around you can be contagious.

Get regular feedback and understand the rewardsYou cannot work in a vacuum. Everybody needs feedback, recognition and even reward. This year make sure that you get regular feedback from your managers and that you know as far as possible what bonuses and increases you are working towards.

Make your money workYou work to earn money. Make sure that you spend some of that money on those things that you really want. Getting up and going to work in the morning is going to be a lot easier if you know that you are saving for your dream car, for example.

Skill up
Skilling-up is non-negotiable. Make sure that you are always learning new skills – both on the job and by doing online, correspondence or even evening/part-time courses. An important part of being happy at work is ensuring that you stay challenged by what you do.

Be grateful
Not everybody is lucky enough to have a job. Remember that you are privileged to be employed and make the very best of it. If you need a boost make a list of all the things you have to be grateful for in your job – the chance to earn money, learn new skills, spend time with amazing people etc.

January blues? Here’s how to get motivated

  1. Set one career goal and put a plan in place for achieving it
  2. Put goals in place for your current position – an increase, bonus or promotion for example
  3. Set a short-term savings goal – a sound system or weekend break etc. Now start working towards it!
  4. Set a study goal or work out what skills you want to learn this year and how you will go about acquiring them  
  5. When is your next performance review? Work out what you would like to have achieved by then
  6. Write a work gratitude list – remember that you have a lot more than most people
  7.  And lastly, start planning your next holiday!

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